Thursday, March 10, 2011

Prompt #6

Reflecting on the design of the learning tasks for this evening’s class, identify three Marzano 9 strategies that you felt I was trying to leverage and specifically cite the connection between each strategy and a corresponding task.


  1. 1) Summarizing and taking notes- asking which area we would be most & least likely to research further
    a. Reflecting on an important teacher and summarizing characteristics and experiences
    2) Cooperative learning- the whole online blogging class is a strong example of cooperative learning. Students await the instructors prompt. We respond with our own answers and after reading other responses we can contribute further ideas
    3) Questions, cues, and advance organizers- providing comments that notified students that next prompt was upcoming

  2. you can find his strategies in the field experience observation.

  3. Marzano strategies are on our walkthrough feedback form in google docs.

  4. @ Ellah: Marzano strategies are shown on the Walkthrough Feedback document I sent to you all by email prior to our class on March 3. I'm sending it to your email account again right now.

  5. Cooperative learning: Using this strategy, we could share our thoughts and learn from others.

    Summarizing and talking notes: By reading the slides we had to summarize the message of each topic and blog the notes (critical thinking).

    Questions: by using questioning to direct our thoughts

  6. The three Marzano strategies are: summerizing and taking notes. We have to summerize and take notes on the powerp point presentations to answer the questions. Homework and practice: we had to go in to the classroom book to answer some of the questions. Identifing simularities and differences:all of as students have a difference of opinion and still have an answer that is similar as that all will provide the correct answer to the question.

  7. 1. Cooperative learning – We shared our thoughts about different subjects, and eventually as we became comfortable with the medium we began to have intellectual exchanges.
    2. Nonlinguistic representations – we had to choose an image that represented our ppt topics.
    3. Summarizing and Note Taking - we had to read our peers ppts and the summarize how they would be beneficial to us as educators and how we employ the thought or why we thought they were helpful.

  8. I think identifying similarities and differences was prevalent in ths exercise. Cooperative learning was at the the peak of this exercise. In my opinion the best part of the whole deal. I found my classmates thoughts most thought provoking. Setting objectives was prevalent from our lead learner and I am sure that his feedback will follow soon.

  9. Welcome guys..., just joined from a hotel in Abilene, Texas. Who thought I could be late even to a virtual class? Haha.

    1) Just the blog in general promotes cooperative learning by allowing us to pull information from the same sources and discussing our ideas with well thought out typed responses.
    2) Dr. Coulter reinforced our effort and provided recognition with each prompt in order to guide us along this blog experience.
    3) We identified similarities and differences when we picked which presentations we would like to research or not among the 4 classmates.

  10. Dr. Coulter, are we able to access this blog after class?

  11. cooperative learning--having us contribute our research presentations and follow that up with comments and questions to each other concerning the presentations.

    Summarizing--when we were asked to identify the topic that would be most helpful and how required us to essentially summarize and apply the information.

    cues, questions and advance organizers--obviously the questions fulfilled this strategy, but even the series of questions together developed an organizer of sorts placing each topic in a hierarchy of priority for each of us to further research.

  12. Brant, were you late to your wedding? The over/under is YES! kidding you Bud, I know your passion for teaching!

  13. @ Ana: Yes, mam. You should be able to get into this blog even when you take your final exam.

  14. cooperative learning - all the sharing of our own words, experiences, and opinions, etc.

    nonlinguistic representations - analyzing of the different media, pictures.
    question: does all the text communication count as nonlinguistic or visual?

    Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback - Professor set objectives for our minimum requirements of the online class.

  15. @ Ellah: Nonlinguistic Representation refers to any kind of learning embellishment/aid that does NOT rely on the written word. It could be music, pictures, mimes, art, kinesthetics, etc. So, to answer your question, no; our text communications were written language so they don't qualify.
