Thursday, March 10, 2011

Prompt #2

Take a look at all the topics discussed in Chapter 3 of Educational Psychology (that’s our textbook). 

Which of one those topics do you think had the most bearing on your decision to pursue a Masters Degree in Education?  Tell us why you think so.


  1. The topic in this chapter that had the most bearing on my decision to pursue a Masters Degree in Education is "Understanding Others and Moral Development". I feel I have been so blessed to have been brought up in a home with high moral standards. By modeling my moral convictions in the classroom daily I might help students to make better moral judgments in some way.

  2. The self-concept and identity section
    this is where we look at our "self-worth" and "self-esteem"

  3. The chapter 3 topic that has the most bearing on me wanting to be a teacher would be ‘self-concept’. Having taught a few years at the middle and high school levels, I saw firsthand how adolescents use time at school to figure themselves out. As a teacher we have a big part to play that process, not just being encouraging and reliable as we should be but also helping students become more realistic and exercising better judgment. I don’t want to imply that I think teachers should raise kids, my point is directed at being organized in thought and providing clear examples of strong decision making students can emulate if they choose. If self-concept is a reflection of how we see ourselves then teachers should hope to help each student see their own reflection as clearly as possible.

  4. I like the topic: teachers. Since we have to spend most of the day with the students (more their parents) we have the opportunity to play a significant role in the children’s social and personal development. We have the opportunity to make a difference for students who are facing emotional and interpersonal problems. We can help students whose are parents are going through divorce, students who do not live with their parents, and so on. Ultimately, the teacher who we will remember for the rest of our lives, are those ones who touched our lives somehow. I want to be that teacher who cares for my students in and outside of the classroom.

  5. So, for me, self-worth and self-esteem drive me and I feel that teaching will build those

  6. The beginning section on the social context for development was the most interesting to me. The fact that students have several systems in which they live and develop tells me that every student is unique and has specific needs/concerns/wants etc when they walk in my classroom. My decision to go into education stems largely from my desire to influence a younger generation. Teachers have one of the greatest roles, often second only to parents, to provide a strong influence. The greatest amount of influence seems to come within the microsystem, so teaching puts me right within that "zone" for young people.

  7. Teachers role in social development pg 74-76
    As educators we are the main adult influence on kids life while they are in school, and as a coach many hours after school. With this come the responsibility to make sure our students are developing healthy personal, social, emotional and academic skills. With this responsibility of the future in our hands we need to be as best prepared and educated to handle the task.

  8. Diversity and Convergence in Personal/Social Development. Individuals mature at different age levels and I enjoy working with young people, especially college age students. Working at the community college level, I have had an opportunity to be around this age group and have served as a chaperone for field trips that my wife has had for the students that she has in her academic support program. This has exposed me to the field of student services and has had an impact on my decision to pursue a degree in this field. The students she works with are diverse, age, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic level, and parents' educational level. There are non-traditional students and students right out of high school. They bring with them the experience of the environment that they grew up in and this affects how they see college and how they learn.

  9. Ana, I couldn't agree more! Eloquently, typed.

  10. Mark it was self-concept for me too. I was concerned about my own self-esteem, but I appreciate your concern for the students self-esteem. I may be more self-centered.

  11. I gravitated to the social context for development section. As we are social creatures, I think this is crucial to a person's development. This section hits on the major points of development. The impact of the family and different parenting styles as well as the effect of divorce. It also discusses peer importance and it's role in a kiddos life. How this section describes the role of a teacher was awesome. As educators, we can serve as a buffer to many problems these kids face in their development. A concerned teacher can be a haven for kids, especially if they are being abused. All educators need to be aware of the signs of child abuse. This is an area where we have o complete obligation to report. No child-NO CHILD-deserves to be abused. Kids do not get to choose their parents, however, NO CHILD should EVER be abused!

  12. I think the concept that most affected me and had an impact on my seeking Masters Degree in Education would be Reaching Every Child: Teachers and Child Abuse. I think this has a lot to do with my past experience in my job and my coaching. Through the years, I think this has touched me many times. As the textbook discussed, learning has to do with the cognitive process, but it also has to do with social factors. These factors include a web of friends, encouragement from family, a secure home life, or something as simple AS A HOME, electricity, and running water. I have seen families right here in Lubbock, Texas, USA without all of these.

  13. I agree Mark, students are evolving every day on a journey to self discovery. Too many times kids have to make the wrong decisions. Teachers do play a big part in this journey. I was influenced by some great teachers on my journey and hope I can do the same for my students.

  14. I agree about the need be well developed socially. I have many friends that were excelled academically but arnt as content as friends that struggled academically but developed the social skills that have gotten them to the places they want to be both profesionally and personally.

  15. Children that I described are in rough territory in all arenas; Physical development, psychosocial, and even in moral development.

  16. My wife just brought me some Carribean Jerk wings from Buff. wild wngs. They r so good! She Rocks!

  17. Out of these topics, I believe I could say that Moral development would be part of my reasoning to pursue a Master of Education. I do have some interest in the way kinds perceive their peers and the outside society. I tend to think that modern students take little interest in the morality of society and what is right. This leads to differences in behavioral development as well.
