Thursday, March 10, 2011

Prompt #1

Nice job sports fans.  It takes a little getting used to.  Ain’t learning fun?

Now, let’s move on.

You should have received an email from me with our March 10 Presentation slides (in PDF format).Review the slide presentations of the following three folks:
Constructivist Theory (Bayer)
Connectivism (Lange)
Behaviorism (Najjar)
Answer these two questions in your response:
1)      Which represented the newest learning for you personally?
2)      Which of the pictures/videos did you find most interesting and why?

I'll give you about 30 minutes to do this.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I did not get the PDF file. Ana

  3. just go to the google doc pres march 10

  4. I don't see "Connectivism" presentation

  5. Lang presented "Learning Dificiencies"
    not connectivism

  6. It's at the bottom of the presentations.

    1) Connectivism was a new concept for me. Unless it is commonly known as something else, I'm still not familiar with exactly how the learning occurs through connections. Is it connections with other people? Similar to social development?

    2) Kim's video for the constructivist theory was the most interesting. I'm guessing it was created as a school assignment...definitely homemade. It contrasted the two types of classrooms in a fun way and clearly presented the differences between the two.

  7. Got the presentation, but was in the wrong gmail account, seems I have an old account and I thought I had lost everything. Things are on track now. Sorry for the delay, just one of those days.

  8. Connectivism is new learning for me, for example, "knowledge not being acquired."

    The connectivism model chart was most helpful by being able to see it as one of four learning dimensions.

  9. Laura, as I said this Connectivism is a new concept to me too. I will be very interested to see what Dr. Coulter says about this concept.

  10. The information presented about constructivism represents the newest learning for me. The premise is straight forward but has many variations in individuals. Constructivism allows for the fact that everyone creates their own “mental rules”, acknowledging the power of individuality and the desire to meet acceptable norms. I also think it’s interesting to consider the types of experiences and contexts in the classroom that promote a student’s desire to learn. Maybe a good place to start is asking what would grab my interest if I was learning the material.

    Of this group, the dimensions of learning image in the connectivism presentation is most interesting to me. I’m a visually learner and enjoy being able to see how different theories connect to dimensions of learning.

  11. The newest learning for me was Kim' research on constructionism. Doc introduced it to us the first class. the more I study it, the better I like it. It makes so much sense to me as far as how my mind works. When I am being taught< I roll around the new info and then apply it to my experience. Makes total sense to me.

  12. Ellah, the thing about that diagram that seemed counterintuitive was that the flow of knowledge or concept seems to be going the wrong direction. Maybe I am looking at it completely backwards, but for some reason I would think they should go in opposite direction.

  13. 1) Sudbury Model was new to me. I don't know if putting total educational control in the hands of children is a good idea. I think they definitely should have input, but not total control. Student input can be creative, but the situation discussed in this model could cause some safety issues. Many interesting thoughts David presented in his presentation. I know if I told the students they were in control at MHS, they would take full advantage.
    2)The video in the Sudbury Model presentation was interesting to see how laid back the learning atmosphere is. I think if kids have only been exposed to this type of learning there would be no problem, but it would be a shock for these kids to conform to a public school and vice versa.

  14. 1.) It was interesting to meet that behaviorism, from what I understand, sais that we aren’t really learning new information we are simply just responding to a stimulus to receive the desired effect. So I don't know that the sky is blue but just that I receive positive feedback when I say it is.
    2. I thought Bruce's graphic was interesting because it showed all the mentioned theories connected to learning. And that each is a piece of the whole.

  15. The video I liked was Naijar's. It reminds me that God told us how to discipline children. Tha t spare the rod thing. He even put padding where needed. It sure worked for me and my kids. Our society is so wrapped up and trying to figure this out which I thought this video showed. No, don't beat kids, but, a good spanking does kids good I think. I think God thought so anyway.

  16. I think I misunderstood the first question. The connectivism theory was new to me to. I did not know about the concept “Knowledge, therefore, is not acquired, as though it were a thing.”

  17. For me, the diagram was a little confusing. I would think that the line saying "building blocks" would point to constructivism.

  18. Prompt #2 will be coming up in about 5 minutes.

  19. Kim I didn't know we were looking at the sudburry model

  20. I think the newest for would be bevorial. We all know that in a time most children are thing on how they will do the whatever they did to get in trouble in a way they won't get caught. I used time outs on my nieces and nephews thought that that wasn't a for of punishment that would make them realize the consenquence of doing a wrong.

  21. I didnt see the diagram as a flow of knowledge but rather the dimensions of learning.

  22. 1. Constructivism. I do believe that we construct our knowledge based on previous information.

    2. Video: I liked the video posted by Najjar. I think she summarized the behaviorism theory in a very easy way using examples that we see in the classroom every day. Teachers are always putting kids in time out, but it never really works. Other times, they send kids to the hall to separate them from the environment in which the behavior is occurring. This does work either. I think using sticker as a positive reinforcement may work for some but not all students. In this case the teacher needs to look for what it is best and appropriated for each child. If the kids are in elementary school the use of stickers usually works pretty well.

  23. You are right Ellah misread first prompt....thank you. I will try and get it right with second prompt. thank you for your help, it has been a rough day.

  24. I though the behavorial video showed exactly how a child would be (pretending) to be sorry for the infraction but at the same time thinking of what to do different

  25. 1) I believe that I have heard of all of these topics, but I believe I was least versed on connectivism. This idea proposes that ALL learning is intertwined and connected to other topics that we already have. I always try to make connections in my class, but I always stumble upon something that is totally left field and out there (being in science).
    2) I also thought Bruce's picture worked the best in portraying the idea. It shows the topics of his presentation connected in a way that the topic is discussing... pretty ironic.
